WAF (Web Application Firewall)

In this module you will be able to manage all the geo IP blocks to prevent access to Carbonio CE webmail from unwanted countries.

For reference, this feature uses and works only with IPtables.

The management is done from the module’s menu and its 6 sections:

Manage: Enables or disables the feature for the current server.

The Status display below will show the current status for the module.

Rules: In this section is possible to set all your rules, by completing the basic informations: Ports, country and type of block. All rules will be created in a list under the WAF Active Rules section, with the possibility to modify (and save the changes) or delete it.

Pay attention to the syntax as explained in the description, and make sure the country you want to block/whitelist corresponds to the 2 letter ISO 3166 code.

Whitelist: In this section is possible to set a bypass to the general WAF rules.

All rules will be created in a list under the WAF Active Rules section, with the possibility to modify (and save the changes) or delete it.

Update Geo IP: This section if useful in case you need to immediately update the IP geolocation database.

As GeoIP is the method of locating a server in a city/country by identifying its IP address, it requires the use of an accurate GeoIP database to properly work.

Logs: This section shows the logs for all Geo blocks, by date.

Eventually you can filter the log you want to see by writing back the RegExp in the corresponding field.

Statistics: Shows all the blocks for the current month in a graphic, and the view for a specific date by clicking the day of the month in the calendar below.

Watch the video below for a practical guide