
This pretty useful feature allows an admin to manage Amavis and SpamAssassin block and white filters.

The menu consists of two main options: White & Block and Block Content.

In each option you will access the corresponding menu:

White & Block: A drop-down menu to select the domain where whitelisting and/or blocklisting list will be set up on.

Once you have selected the domain, click on Check to verify the domain and continue with the next step.

Introduce the address or domain you want to add to the White list or Black List, in the text field. Then click on White or Block button accordingly.

Note: Every time something is added or removed Amavis will be restarted.

Once addedd, the list below will show all emails/domains whitelisted or blacklisted

Block content: Here you can fill in with the regular expression content to be used to block messages. There are 2 options:

  • Whole message: Blocks any message that matches the critery within the email body and header.
  • Just subject: Blocks any message that matches the critery only in the email subject.

The blocked content will appear in the list below accordingly.

To remove a word or sentence from the blocked content list, just click the Remove button next to it.

See the video below for a practical guide