
This feature enables a monitoring interface with the most important information for admins about Carbonio CE.

When opening the left menu, you see 2 options: Manage and Monitoring.

By clicking on each option you will access the corresponding screen:

Manage: This is where the monitoring can be Enabled or Disabled. It also displays the default user and password to log into Grafana, when the module is firstly activated.

It will also display the current status of the tool: Enabled or Disabled.

Note: When you enable Monitor for the first time, the Proxy service will be restarted. Depending on the load and resources of your server, this process might take a few minutes.

Monitoring: It will open the monitoring interface. The interface is powered by Grafana.
The first time you click on Monitoring after enabling it, in the new window you will be prompted to enter the default user and password, which are shared on the Manage screen.

Its highly recommended to change the password once logged into the Grafana interface for security reasons.

Once logged into Grafana you will be taken to the Current Status view and by deafult the mail queues are shown.

The dashboards includes a series of other important informations for admins, including: Basic CPU / Memory / Net / Disk; Database status; PostgreSQL; Carbonio CE processes; Service status; etc.

To change your dashboard and view, you can do so from the left menu, selecting Dashboards and then pickiing up the option you want to see.

Watch the video below for a practical guide