
This is the main page when you access to CbPlus.

You will see 6 balloons, each one of them with info or functions. By default, all the infoin these ballons is updated every 30 seconds, but you can change this time in the Miscellaneous menu.

1) Services Status: Info about Carbonio CE services, its status and the reload button.

2) Statistics: Some useful information regarding OS, Carbonio CE and CbPlus.

3) Fail2ban blocked IPs: Feature with two columns: icon do unblock and blocked IP

4) Delegated Admins: Table showing two categories of Admins: Global and Delegated.

5) Messages sent in the current month: Info about the total email messages sent in a period of time. This information is updated every hour.

6) Cbpolicyd Monitoring: The table contents 3 columns showing the tool status, Account and Sent. In the “Status” column there are 2 icons to perform some actions related to the account: Add/Remove from whitelist and Reset counting for it.
When CBPolicyd is not enabled, the view changes to Feature Status.