This guide will help you through the CbPlus installation process. Make sure to read the limitations before you start.
The first thing you will need is an installation file. If you don’t have it yet, you can get it here. Normally the installation files are called Cbplus-[vesion].tgz.
First, uncompress the file in the /opt directory. Make sure to have all the permissions for the directory.
Attention! Is mandatory to use the directory /opt in order to install CbPlus correctly. |
root@your_server:/opt# tar zxvf cbplus-ver.tgz
After of that, enter the directory and run the installation sript:
root@your_server:/opt/cbplus# install
Before the Cbplus installation starts, you will need to introduce the license token. We will do this by editing the token.inf or token.conf file.
root@your_server:/opt/cbplus# vi token.conf
Add the following line in the file: “token=” and paste your license token, like in the example below:
Then save the file and exit. The installation process will then continue.
Warning! CbPlus needs a valid certificate in order to be installed. If no certificate is installed, it will be created during the process. |
Attention! Ports 80 and 443 need to be open to internet in order to install CbPlus. |
After the installation process finishes, it will show the URL for the access to CbPlus, the default username and password.
Attention! CbPlus uses port 1953 by default to access the administration console. Make sure it is reachable. |
If everything went OK you will have your CbPlus installed.
See the video below for a practical guide
The uninstalling process is quite simple: just run the uninstalling script by writing ./uninstall
cd /opt/cbplus